PinnedPublished inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsAbout Me — Patrice WalkerDidn’t know this was a “thing” on Medium until I surpassed the 100-follower mark. Guess it’s my turn now.Feb 7, 202355Feb 7, 202355
Published inThe DIY DiariesWhat Do You Mean My Crochet Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect?No, those 70 granny squares you crocheted don’t all have to be EXACTLY the same size and shape. You’re not a machine, for crying out loud!19h ago719h ago7
Published inAstro PaganMy Ongoing Journey To Shift From A Belief In Lack To One Of AbundanceThere’ve been lots of twists and turns along the way, but I’m getting there.Dec 19, 20244Dec 19, 20244
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsWe Are Being Required To Fight Authoritarianism On The GroundAnd we’ve got a secret weapon to help us win the battle, as South Koreans have so beautifully demonstrated.Dec 5, 20247Dec 5, 20247
Published inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfOn My Return Trips To Ho’omaluhia Botanical GardenNo, those trips weren’t at the beach. But they definitely put me face to face with the magnificence of Mother Nature.Nov 30, 20245Nov 30, 20245
Published inTarot Talk2024 Election Tarot SpreadIt’s the first one I did but chose to ignore. Looks like it was right.Nov 9, 20246Nov 9, 20246
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsCan A Tarot Card Reading Predict The Winner Of A Presidential Election?Perhaps, if the card reader is 100% objective and doesn’t let personal biases get in the way of card interpretation.Oct 31, 20243Oct 31, 20243
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsWriting Is Writing No Matter How or Where You Do ItThis title has become a mantra I repeat when I feel like I’m not writing enough.Oct 21, 20248Oct 21, 20248
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsHow I Manage Being a Highly Sensitive Person in a “Loud, Fast, Too Much World”It’s definitely a challenge, but not impossibleSep 28, 202410Sep 28, 202410
Published inSoul MagazineHow Mindfulness Makes Releasing Old Habits Easy (… Well, Easier)Thanks to practicing the two components of mindfulness, I’m now able to view my “mistakes” with objectivity and compassion.Aug 6, 20248Aug 6, 20248