Your titles pull me in every time. I'm initially thinking, "he couldn't possibly mean that, could he?" And so I must read on to see where he's going with this. "Ahhh, now I get it." And your advise always makes sense.
As a recovering perfectionist, my challenge is to not edit while I'm writing the first draft which, for me, can be a painful process. "Stop editing! Just write," I have to keep telling myself. "Get the first draft done, for cryin' out loud!" And once it is, I'm in my element - editing and revising for boucoup cycles until the piece is as perfect as I can make it. And it's typical of me to go back and edit (mostly to catch a punctuation error or a misspelled word) after it's published. I haven't quite learned how to work the headline magic you're so adept at, but I'm working on it.
As usual, great advice Godfather!
(P.S. This comment went through multiple editing cycles.)