Your dad reminds me of my dad, a mathematician in the field of geodesy who started showing signs of dementia after my oldest brother passed away in '98 from an aortic aneurism, just 17 years after his wife, my mom, passed away from misdiagnosed colon cancer. Since my daughter was away at college, the responsibility to care for him fell on my shoulders as my middle brother was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic who lived with us and wouldn't stay on his meds. My hands were full; one of the toughest periods of my life. My dad, who was the nurturer in the family, also started getting fractious as his disease progressed, behavior he would never have exhibited if it weren't for the dementia. Thankfully that wasn't too often. He finally transitioned in 2003. As for Biden and Trump, I believe this is the last election that Boomers will be on the ticket. Time for the younger generations to step up to the plate.