Probably the main reason why I never married. Don't get me wrong, I was in relationships back in the day and had this burning need to find "the right guy" (a hormonal nesting instinct no doubt), but now (after the hormones have died down), the NEED is no longer there. It would be nice to be in a relationship, but it definitely wouldn't be a traditional, patriarchal one, and I'd HAVE to have my alone time.
But the main reason I've remained single and haven't been in a relationship for many years, is because I got tired of being cheated on (a popular thing for men to do in the '70s and '80s ). Also, being an introvert and growing up with two older male siblings, I got used to spending a lot of time alone.
I have a rich inner life as well as activities I love (writing, crocheting, watching mysteries on TV, walking Hawaii beaches), so I don't often get lonely. And as an HSP empath, I can only take so much socializing before I get overwhelmed and need to retreat back into my cave.
Being single has given me the time to focus on healing some childhood wounds that might have been difficult to do had I been in a relationship.