Oh Pala, I'm getting a little teary-eyed. I'm so glad you've made the decision to keep writing. Your stories are beautifully written, and your English is perfect, probably way better than my ability to speak your first language, or any language for that matter, even after spending most of my high school and college years studying French.
What's your first language, btw, and what pronouns do you use (easier than asking if you are a man or woman; can't tell from your name 🤔).
At this point, I'd say don't worry so much about how often you publish. I try to write one story a week, but sometimes I can't even do that. When I first started it was all about making money writing. Now, it's writing what I'm passionate about and allowing money to be a byproduct of that writing. That leaves me free to be creative.
It took me most of the day to write and publish this story because I do research and then rewrite and edit and rewrite and edit until I feel it's as perfect as I can get it.
Anyway, thanks again for your lovely words, and I look forward to reading more of your stories. And I'll definitely come to you with my vegan questions.