I'm so tired of chasing money here. My latest go at it was to chase the Boost after one of my stories got boosted. Shocked the sh*t outta me because I wasn't chasing the Boost when I wrote. Just wrote from my heart about crochet granny squares, of all things.
Plus I'm (semi) retired and there's no way I'm gonna write as much as you do, Prof.
I also have what I can only call periods of writer's block when I'm actually afraid to write, fearing it won't be "perfect."
But I'm slowly overcoming this by taking it one slow step at a time, i.e. coming up with a topic, researching if need be, writing a rough first draft, and then revising and editing until I'm happy with it. This process can take several days before I am satisfied with what I've written. And that's okay.
So I'll be keeping my retirement side gig that I can count on to give me some extra income each month and enjoy writing from the heart.