I feel you, Henry India. I like police procedurals and mysteries. But I had to take a break from watching one Australian police drama because the "bad guys" did some really bad things, most often to women and children. I love mysteries, trying to figure out "whodunit," but sometimes the violence depicted in these shows is just too much. Thankfully, no nightmares.
As for being happy, I've been a daily meditator for a long time, but just once a day, in the morning, altho I did it twice a day when I started TM ages ago. These days, along with meditating, I try to be aware of when I'm going "unconscious," that is, when I slip back into negative thinking. When I catch myself, I affirm something positive like "all is well," or "all my needs are met," and really try to FEEL the truth behind those words. My anxiety levels drop when I do this.
Great article and lovely images!