Finally able to catch up with my reading!
A fascinating account of visits from your mom. Those lights going on and off reminds me of the dad of one of our housemates who passed away late last year. They were very close to each other. One day a few weeks later, we were in the midst of severe winds and rain when the power went out. She came to me and told me that she was thinking about her dad and asked him if he was proud of her. At that exact moment, the power went out. I told her it sounded to me like a powerful synchronicity and left it to her to decide if he was letting he know that he was,
On a more personal note, I don't remember if it was 49 days later, but a few weeks after my mom passed away from colon cancer (I was 31 with an 18 month-old daughter), I was laying in bed in the early morning hours, in that hypnopompic state between waking and sleeping. Daughter and dad were in the living room watching cartoons. All of a sudden, I felt this arm go around my shoulders, as if I were being comforted. I woke up and looked around to find the bedroom empty. So I lay back down and started to drift off when that arm came around my shoulders again. Freaking out a bit, I decided to get up and go into the living room to let my partner know what had happened.
Was it my mom? Back then, I wasn't sure. She was never the comforting type who hugged her children. These days, I believe consciousness survives the death of the body and prefer to believe that it was, in fact, her.
Great memories! Thanks for sharing.